
We Have a Dream

Our team at Norway Steel Group wishes for every customer to experience the quality of our structures without delay, safety incidents, or additional costs.

We are not the traditional agent or controller, nor do we have ownership in any workshop.
We like to think of ourselves as the client’s representative or partner in optimized supply chain management.

What We Do

Together with our clients, manufacturing is coordinated at one of our pre-qualified workshops, which are thoroughly and openly audited according to the client’s requirements for the following: safety, environmental considerations, workforce level skillset, price, and management involvement. An assessment of the audit will highlight the workshop’s strengths and weaknesses.  This ensures an optimized level of recommended improvements and implementation of required changes and upgrades.

During the actual fabrication, our qualified supervisors are present during the preparations, execution, trial-fit, loading, and release.

Progress reporting, test reports, and final documentation is an essential part of our framework.  We take the initiative in communicating with our client’s design department and workshop for improvements and alternate solutions for complicated welding details and/or design assemblies. These steps simplify production, reduce production costs (hours per ton), and reduce the margin for possible sources of error.

NSG has its drafting department in China and some of our workshops in Poland undertake the task of preparing their production drawings. With this methodology, the customer does not need to engage with their own designers, who most often have limited time to support the production process itself.  By allowing NSG and its affiliate workshops to perform this task, most errors and difficulties are easily detected, and references that govern standards are checked and verified.  The workshop’s design department knows how to best present fabrication drawings to their production department; this streamlines the process by eliminating misunderstandings and production delays.

Furthermore, we verify that national requirements and regulations are followed throughout the entire supply chain process.  We further ensure that the client has sufficient knowledge and understanding during the production class selection processes and that correct and valid code references are clearly stated on the fabrication drawings, supported by required documentation.